Have you been traumatized in relationship with narcissist?
Have you trouble to get your mind clear and understand what you have been through?
Has this man manipulated your children against you?
Does this narcissist person push you so far to get any reaction
and then blaming you for react the way you do?
Are you feeling your world is ending and you have nothing to hold on to?
I have been there too, I really understand how you feeling and how you may have it.
I have been with someone who isolated me from all of my friends, I didn’t have anyone left when I was with him. Its was not easy to get out.
And he always told me if you leave me, I will take away from you, the house, the car and the kids. And I will kill the children and you in the end!
Because of that I had for too long fear in me to leave him, I stayed for too long because of the children, but in the end I did run away from him and moved into women shelter for some month, this is now many years ago!
And now I’m making my mess to mission in life to help other women who have been traumatized in relationship to heal and to let go of the past and move forward in life with peace of mind!
It’s not get well 14 days program, this is for women 35+ who are really motived to let go of the fear and the past and want to move on with peace of mind in their mind. Without focusing on the narcissist ex partner, but all the focus is on you. How to heal and to be whole again!
Contact me so we can have a talk and take your healing journey to next level!